Friday 15 July 2016

Virtual and real economies connected with CASH CODE LLC

Cash Code LL is Driven by machine learning but is strongly connected to real economy

Hedge Funds have bad public reputation. People often say that they make lot of money for a few part of already rich people or large banks which have worst reputation than them.

We think that both hedge funds and bank are useful entities that can empower people and organizations financial power by having good social and environmental impact. They can be good tools for building a better world.

The reality is that they are more oriented to virtual financial markets and are more than more disconnected to real economy.

Cash Code LLC despite diving into systemic trading aim to have a good and visible impact in real economy.

We achieve this goal by providing :

  • a new innovative market place  connected to the hedge fund cash flow trough Cash Code Social cash stream. This market place will allows people buy products they want at lower prices than the market prices. Product into this market place are sponsored by us.
  • an Angels Fund Banks which provides to high skilled startups angels fund to invest in potential booming startups.
  •  a community (Cash Code Community) of coders, quant analysts, independent and pro traders that share their experiences and  knowledge for designing future fin-tech solutions.
  Virtual and real economies connected with CASH CODE LLC

Tuesday 28 June 2016

What's a Cash Coder ?

A cash coder is before anything a learner who is always seeking knowledge. he/she is a developer who builds code which have a unique goal make cash. Cash coder is mostly involved in financial markets by building autonomous smart systems for trading or other fintech services but this sector is not only his/her gaming zone. He/she  is also involved into startups where he/she build systems that allow startup hack growth. After knowledge, Data are the most important thing for a cash coder because it allow him/her have a knowledge advantage that can be used as financial advantage.
Cash coding is a culture and a state of mind. Cash coders code is driven not only data but also the cash benefit that the code can provide in live production. it's a hard but achievable goal which requires real engagement.

start learning earlier and never stop learning until death

Code, code, code ! Never stop coding .